The Semantic Web Needs “A Big Kick Up The Backside”

Mirroring my own sentiment about the progress of the semantic web (that the promise is currently heavily in debt to the reality), Danny Ayres writing on his personal blog declares that the Semantic Web requires “a big kick up the backside” before it acquires any useful value rather than the prototypes and research trinkets that characterise much of the work so far produced:

This morning I’d have liked to have found a hay fever remedy online, and been able to contact some local drug suppliers to stop me sneezing. It seems like we are all playing with toy projects and can’t grow up (yes, I’m still working on my Turtle editor). I’m aware there’s a huge amount of pharmaceutical data online, but to stop my sneezing the best bet still seems to be Wikipedia followed up with personal visits to medics. I expect, no *demand* more from the technology, but right now it all seems a bit Dark Ages.” [Read More]

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