IPTC-PLUS Toolkit Released
The IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) and PLUS (Picture Licensing Univeral System) have a released a free Adobe Bridge plugin which allows users to view and edit the full set of IPTC Core, IPTC Extension and PLUS metadata frameworks.
The toolkit includes:
- A comprehensive User Guide for both schemas.
- A plug-in IPTC-PLUS Metadata Panel for Bridge CS3/CS4 for the IPTC Core, IPTC Extension and the PLUS metadata.
- Example assets
“The panels built-into CS5 and the plug-in panels for Bridge CS3/CS4 include the granular metadata fields of the IPTC Photo Metadata and also a set of fields for the communication of image rights metadata, based on industry standard developed by the PLUS Coalition. The Bridge panels add IPTC Extension and PLUS metadata capability to Adobe CS3 and CS4 as these versions have no built-in metadata panels available for these two standards, while CS5 has. Creating the plug-in panels was a joint effort of both organisations.” [Read More]
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