Feature Article: 5 Questions about AI to a CTO: Oliver Grenet, Wedia

In this new series of interviews, visual tech expert Paul Melcher poses the same five questions to CTOs and CPOs of leading DAM companies in order to better understand the real-world state of AI developments within the sector.

As the hype surrounding AI makes it difficult to gauge its true capabilities, this series aims to lift the veil by asking those at the forefront of DAM development to discuss their progress, challenges and successes in implementing generative AI solutions.

In this first episode, Oliver Grenet, CTO at Wedia shares his insights on how their product is leveraging GenAI to roll out features such as background replacement and semantic search.

Since the launch of our DAM, we have invested in a dedicated team of data scientists and AI engineers who constantly work on these topics through POCs and gradual integration into our solution.  This expertise has allowed us to closely follow the evolution of image-related models and navigate through phases of disillusionment and progress.”  [Read More]

Oliver’s awareness of the need to balance customer expectations with the limitations of GenAI’s current capabilities is clear, and he explains how a combination of colour restoration, aligning the process with the client’s graphic style, and incorporating pre-approved background images has resulting in the generation of images that are more contextually realistic and inline with the business’s brand.

First of all, we have put a lot of effort into improving image rendering.  The initial models generated very synthetic and almost “3D” renders, which did not meet our clients’ expectations.  Therefore, we worked to restore the colorimetry and adherence to our clients’ graphic and photographic guidelines to match their visual identity as closely as possible.  This was our first major challenge.

The second challenge, requested by our clients, was to generate images for specific needs rather than in a general manner.  We moved beyond the simple prompt stage by integrating generative AI into business processes.  For example, creating local versions of an image from a “global” kit, or placing products in pre-approved backgrounds by the brand, rather than generating them randomly from a prompt.”  [Read More]

Oliver continues the interview by providing an overview of Wedia’s technical implementation strategy.  From proof of concept and research phases through to the development of hybrid training models, protecting the customer’s data, and the reasoning behind their chosen provider, the article is a refreshingly transparent exploration of the tools, techniques and talent driving the next generation of DAM innovation.

You can read the full article at the link below.


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