Call for Contributions: DAM Security

This month’s editorial topic is DAM Security.  When discussing DAM security, we need to consider the potential value of an organisation’s entire digital asset legacy – whether it’s brand collateral, product information, or a carefully crafted digital campaigns media library, the investment costs in terms of time, effort, creativity, and the curation of such content and the associated intellectual property value can potentially run into millions.

There are a significant number of DAM-based operations that fall within the scope of security, from preventing unauthorised access and regulatory compliance through to brand governance and the mitigation of risks associated with data breaches, cyber threats and malicious attacks.  The DAM system is commonly referred to as the single source of truth, yet there are numerous ways in which its security and integrity can be compromised.

Call for Contributions

We’d love to hear about your experiences regarding DAM security and are inviting our readers and subscribers to submit their stories, thoughts and insights on the topic.  Has your organisation’s DAM system been the target of a cyber attack?  Have you encountered DAM security mechanisms that repeatedly disrupt your workflow?  Are you a DAM manager with a cautionary tale?  Have you been tasked with creating a DAM disaster recovery plan?

Contributed articles must be exclusive to DAM News (i.e. not previously published elsewhere), non-promotional and adhere to our editorial guidelines.

You can send your contributions to

We reserve the right to modify submissions in order to comply with our editorial guidelines and will notify the author should we need to make any changes.  We will also provide a link to either you or your company’s website and/or LinkedIn profile.

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