Reasons not to invest in a DAM system

This article from Henrik de Gyor discusses reasons customers do not wish to invest in DAM systems:

A few months ago, I posted a poll to gauge the main reasons why some organizations have not invested in a DAM yet. Aside from the needed awareness about what is a DAM and why would an organization even need a DAM which I explain on this blog, I listed a few common answers (aka excuses) based on what I have hear from several other organizations who either had issues implementing a DAM or still have issues implementing a DAM to date.

The reasons are:

  • “That involves work, so we’ll continue doing things the same way we’ve been doing it since 1989.”
  • “We don’t reuse anything…ever“
  • “We don’t have the staffing because we are too busy looking for things we can’t find“
  • “We have too many people asking for this thing, so we’ll do nothing about it“
  • “We can’t spend on anything, including tools that will save time and money“
  • “It is too expensive and we prefer burning money on duplicate production time“
  • “We are organized enough and we have no room for improvement nor streamlining”
  • “We prefer sending hard copies of all assets and paying for postage to mail all of it slowly around the globe“
  • “We can’t convince the stakeholders in my organization because it involves technology they don’t understand“
  • “We are not organized enough to start a project like that because we are beyond help“
  • “We find metadata scary so we’ll just stick to folder structures to help us lose our assets“
  • “…Hold on, I am still thinking of some more excuses“
  • “We are still thinking about it and will continue to think about it for years as we accumulate more assets”
  • “What is Digital Asset Management again?“

It looks like Henrik may have employed poetic licence over one or two of these (as with the AAIM videos) but the point is well made and will certainly ring true for both vendors and managers in organizations that are trying to get DAM solutions off the ground.

The full article is available on Henrik’s blog.

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