Featured Job – Taxonomist & Information Architecture Strategist

This week’s featured job is for a Taxonomist & Information Architecture Strategist with social media giant Facebook. The successful candidate will ideally have a Master’s Degree in Library Science (MILS) and have experience across a broad range of taxonomy management disciplines, including development, implementation and maintenance. Responsibilities will span front and back-end systems and involve working with product partners. Individuals with Python experience is also preferred.
“This person will focus on the strategic planning, design, and implementation of taxonomies to help achieve goals for the Interests & Communities Taxonomy team, such as supporting the categorizing and labeling, machine learning and content understanding systems at Facebook. The crux of this work is in developing, maintaining, growing a taxonomy for a complex, many-faceted product while integrating it into a broader taxonomy/ontology infrastructure. The work also includes following taxonomy management best practices, metadata and vocabulary standards, and building cross-functional relationships.” [Read More]
For full details, see the DAM News job posting at the following link:
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